When you receive your salary, the first thing you probably want to do is check how much money has landed in your bank account. But what if you could consult your salary on a prepaid card?
That’s right – with a prepaid salary card, you can view your account balance and transactions online, without having to go through the hassle of visiting a physical bank branch.
Here we’ll show you how to check NBAD prepaid card balance through an online inquiry method.
How to Salary Check NBAD online?
In order to check your wages in NDAD, you will need to follow these simple steps:
Go to NBAD Salary an Follow next steps:
- Enter the two digits on the right side of your card number. Your card number has 14 digits in total, so you should only enter the last two quantitative numbers here.
- Find your Card ID on the back of your card, then enter it in the second prompt. Click on Go button to salary view.
After you input the correct information, you will be brought to the transactions page where you can view your account’s last ten transactions.
You can also access customer support through our 24/7 call centre. Cardholders can select their own ‘PIN’ from our ATMs. This makes it easy and secure to make payments at retailers, deposit or withdraw money from ATMs, and access your account anytime – all without the need for a bank account.
Ratibi Service Phone ✆ 600522298
Important features you probably didn’t know about Ratibi Prepaid Card
To provide quick financial assistance to the company’s employees, the NBAD launched the Ratibi Salary project in 2008.
Ratibi wants to help companies restructure their old payment methods so that the organization can better regulate payments and employees can exchange money via cash registers and ATMs from anywhere.
If you are an employee who earns AED 5,000 or less monthly, Ratibi offers a salary payroll solution through which you will receive your wages onto a card without the need for a bank account.
- Free personal accident insurance
- Free access 24/7 to the largest ATMs and CDMs network
- No minimum balance requirement or monthly charges for cardholders
Ratibi Payroll Prepaid Card makes it easy and secure to make payments at retailers, deposit or withdraw money from ATMs, and access your account anytime – all without the need for a bank account. Save on banking fees with Ratibi!
Ratibi Card Benefits
- Free SMS alerts on every salary credit
- Can be used at all ATMs, in-store and online
- Can be used at VISA/MasterCard networks worldwide
- Customer support through our 24/7 call centre
- Cardholders can select their own ‘PIN’ from our ATMs
- 100% compliant with the UAE Government’s WPS guidelines
Want to Check Salary on your smartphone? Download the FAB APP
If you are an employee who earns AED 5,000 or less monthly, Ratibi offers a salary payroll solution through which you will receive your wages onto a card without the need for a bank account.
The FAB App allows you to check your balance, transactions and change your personal settings. With this app you can check your balance, activate your card and keep track of your finances.
My salary card has been confiscated at the ATM, how can I fix it?
All cards confiscated by any ATMs will be destroyed, and the employer must apply for a replacement card.
Helpful links
Go to NBAD Salary Link: https://ppc.bankfab.com/PPCInquiry/
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