One of the most common errors that occur when you apply for a new emirates id is that your details are not correct. The procedure to get a new ID is not difficult, however it may happen that there is an error in the presentation of the document.

In that case, when we receive the message; “Emirates id status returned for modification” in our application, what should we do now? In this article you will find the solution.
How to Get an Emirates ID?
You can apply for a new Emirates ID card at the website of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security- ICP, or through an accredited typing center.
You might need to visit one of ICP’s service centers to provide your biometric details. Refer to the ICP website for the application process, documents required and fees for getting an Emirates ID.
The step for getting an Emirates ID:
- Registration
- Submit Application and Paying the fees
- Confirm your biometrics
- Complete the procedure for issuing residency(Ony for expact)
- Collect your new ID Emirates Post Office

Next, track your Emirates ID application.
The best way to track your application is by logging into the EIDA portal with your passport number and application reference number. Alternatively, you can also call the EIDA customer service number on 600 522222 to get updates on your application status. Once your application is approved, you will be notified via an SMS and you can collect your Emirates ID card from the typing center you applied at.
It is important to keep your Emirates ID with you at all times as it serves as a proof of identity and age, as well as a residency permit in the UAE. You will need to use it for various activities such as opening a bank account, renting an apartment or renewing your driving license. If you lose your Emirates ID, you should report it to the EIDA immediately so that they can cancel the lost card and issue a new one.
What to do when I receive the message: “Emirates ID status returned for modification”
There are only a few things you must do to update your emirates id status, and one of them is send the request through our online system. The first thing that happens after you type in this address into the web site is an error message appears.
If you have activated your Emirate ID Account, follow these steps: You may receive either an email or text message on your mobile phone with instructions on how to apply for a new Emirates ID number.
Because you can’t determine the actual cause of your Emirates ID application’s rejection, you won’t know why it happened. In this section, we’ll tell you how to fix this problem in Dubai. First and foremost, you must follow all of the instructions outlined in this article. You will never receive a massage after following these step-by-step instructions.
This Mistake is always made by a newcomer. As a result, at the conclusion of your application procedure, you’ll receive the following type of massage emirates id status for amendment. Now that you know how to deal with this problem, you can take advantage of these suggested solutions.
Don’t worry, check your information and make sure you haven’t skipped any steps. Ask for an online review or come to a Hapiness Center near you to personally clarify your case.

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